Thursday, November 30, 2006

Birthday Idea, part 2

Several people have asked about contributing to the birthday phone. There are two ways I can see to do that.

Option 1) Send me an e-mail and I will send you my mother's address (her address is my permanent address for the time being (!)) and you can mail any contribution to me care of her.

Option 2) Send me a contribution to my old address (4247 N. Hermitage, 60613) and the post office will (hopefully) forward it to my mother who can then take care of it.

If anyone knows any better ideas for how to do that, let me know and I'll consider it.

Thanks very much to those of you who have already given me a contribution! I'm slowly getting there.


Anonymous said...

Set up a paypal account. Forbit you trust the post office to forward mail wuth money in it...

Anonymous said...

Hey Rebecca,

You made it through that crazy Thanksgiving! Say, so what's your mom's address?


Anonymous said...

I am so amazed at how handy this is to let people know what you are doing, photos even, and to connect with you as you travel.

I would like to have your mother's address, please.
